Food Safety Auditor

Food Safety (ISO 22000) Auditor

Food Safety Management System (FSMS) auditor

The Food Safety Management System (FSMS) auditor certification program has been developed by Exemplar Global to provide international recognition for auditors who conduct food safety management system audits based on the ISO 22000 food safety management system standard.

Through extensive examination of your knowledge and personal attributes, Exemplar Global’s Food Safety Management Systems Certification Program can give you proof of your competence to effectively audit FSMS and give you assurance that your audits will be accepted globally.

Who's it for?

Aspiring managers reporting to or forming a part of senior management staff, responsible for developing day-to-day Health and Safety procedures within their workplace and implementing them effectively. Ideal for learners looking to balance Diploma studies with a demanding existing role.

Food Safety (ISO 22000) Auditor​

FSMS auditor

Built-in liaison with industry representatives in accordance with ISO 19011:2018, Exemplar Global’s Food Safety Management Systems Certification Program provides individuals with proof of their competence to effectively manage food safety issues.

Program Objectives

Exemplar Global’s Food Safety Management Systems Certification Program has been developed to:

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